Our nurseries only stock the very best clones required by the global traditional poplar market.
Our company has a wide range of hybrids that come from our ambitious research programme. Once all the selection phases have been passed and the programmed results have been obtained, the clones are grown in our nurseries before being distributed within the traditional poplar market.
poplar cultivation clone established by the geneticist Giovanni Jacometti in 1929. He was the architect of modern traditional poplar cultivation in Italy and around the world
(Registered in the list of the most environmentally sustainable clones "MSA"). The countries where the clone is grown are Spain, France, Belgium, Italy, Hungary and Romania
(Registered in the list of the most environmentally sustainable clones "MSA"). The countries where the clone is grown are Spain, France, Italy and Romania
(Registered in the list of the most environmentally sustainable clones "MSA"). The countries where the clone is grown are Spain and France
cultivar suitable for latitudes between the 44th parallel to the 54th parallel north
cultivar suitable for latitudes between the 44th parallel to the 54th parallel north
cultivar suitable for latitudes between the 50th parallel to the 57th parallel north
All these cultivars are specific for the different latitudes and altitudes of Europe and for the different industrial uses. Our work is aimed at reducing cutting rounds compared to traditional clones and ensuring that eco-sustainable poplars reach maturity.
We are currently finishing the selection of another 50 clones from a more advanced genetic programme. In 2024 we will begin the first field tests with experimental tests divided into plots with the comparison of sample clones such as the traditional clone I-214.
Alasia Vivai Italia uses its experience, accumulated over four generations, to bring the best techniques and skills to the development of poplar plantations for the benefit of our customers.
Head of nursery production, Trade and Research:
Alasia Omar
+39 331 7512816
Administrative office
+39 338 2335314
Company Email
Alasia Vivai Italia
P.I. 03803600042
Registered office: 12022 Busca (CN), Italia
Operational headquarters: 12038 Savigliano (CN), Italia